About Isabella

Isabella is one of Phineas and Ferb's best friends. She is also about 10 years old and is the leader of the Fireside Girls. Her most famous catch phrase is "Whatcha doin'?" She can change her voice as Ferb can, usually higher, sometimes lower, and often assists the boys in their plans, enlisting the whole troop of girls sometimes in the process (often to obtain new badges or other credits related to the Fireside Girls). Isabella is Mexican-American-Jewish, as her mother is Mexican-Jewish and in "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation", she revealed that her family celebrates Hanukkah. She is madly in love with Phineas and often sends him signals, even though he seems to be completely oblivious to them. She is a very good singer, as seen in the songs such as "Go Phineas!", "S'winter", and "The Yellow Sidewalk", and several others. It is shown in "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" that Isabella will marry Phineas or Ferb in the future, it will more likely be Phineas though, due to her huge childhood crush on him.
